My journey leading to TouchPoint Counseling has been driven by unwavering passion and a commitment to building effective systems and serving as an optimal resource for companies. My dedication lies in supporting our clients through the journey of healing, and guiding them towards a life that is balanced and fulfilling.
On a professional level, I hold a B.A. in Business Administration with an emphasis in Human Resource Management from Eastern Washington University. Prior to joining TouchPoint Counseling, I held the role of an HR Manager at an outpatient rehabilitation. My focus is on fostering innovation and resourcefulness, ensuring that the organization operates efficiently, effectively, and in alignment with its overarching objectives. What are those objectives you may ask? It is to help our clients THRIVE!
In my personal life, I am a mother to two wonderful children. My husband and I are blessed with a beautiful family, including a multitude of beloved animals. Our days are occupied with visits to family, leisurely walks, lively soccer games, and the shared enjoyment of each other’s company.
Thank you for entrusting the team at TouchPoint Counseling. We look forward to meeting you and guiding you through your journey.